Roggwil, Thurgau

Roggwil is a municipality in the district of Arbon in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland.


Of the total of 2788 inhabitants ( 2006) 219 residents have foreign citizenship. This corresponds to 7.9% of the resident population. The community Roggwil is composed of the districts ' Roggwil "," free village "and individual hamlets.


The Roggwil castle, a tripartite system with a high tower was built in the 13th century by the Lords of Roggwil. From 1738-1806 it was a branch of the monastery of St. Gall. Today it is privately owned.

The Mammertshofen castle was built in the 13th century by the Lords of Mammertshofen, Marschalken the monastery of St. Gall. From 1360-1645 it was the gift-giving of Castel owned. A characteristic feature of the castle is his mighty keep. Today it is privately owned.

Castle Mammertshofen

Remains of a grocery shop


In Roggwil the kybun AG of MBT inventor Karl Müller is established. The company is a manufacturer of shoes and kyBoot kyBounder mats and built the 30 -meter-high kybun Tower in the village center.
