Roman Catholic Diocese of Nakuru

The Diocese of Nakuru (Latin: Dioecesis Nakurensis ) is a location in Kenya Roman Catholic diocese based in Nakuru. It includes the districts of Nakuru, Baringo and Koibatek in the Rift Valley province.


Pope Paul VI. founded it with the Apostolic Constitution Quam curam on January 11, 1968 from annexations of the dioceses Eldoret, Kisumu and of the Archdiocese of Nairobi, where it was assumed as a suffragan.

On December 6, 1995, lost part of its territory to the Diocese of Kericho.

Bishops of Nakuru

  • Raphael S. Ndingi Mwana'a Nzeki (30 August 1971-14. June 1996, then Koadjutorerzbischof of Nairobi )
  • Peter J. Cairo (21 April 1997-19. April 2008, then Archbishop of Nyeri )
  • Maurice Muhatia Makumba ( since 19 December 2009)

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Nakuru
