Ron Robertson-Swann

Ron Robertson - Swann ( born 1941 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) is an Australian sculptor.

Life and work

Robertson - Swann was trained at the National Art School in Sydney and then studied sculpture in Britain with Anthony Caro and Phillip King at Saint Martins School of Art in London. From 1963 to 1965 he assisted in the studio of Henry Moore and was a lecturer at various art institutes in London. In 1968 he returned to Australia. He won the Transfield Prize, the Comalco Invitational Sculpture Award, and in 1976 the Alice Prize. He worked from 1978 to 1989 in the sculpture workshop of the Canberra School of Art from 1991 to 2006, he was a university lecturer and head of the sculptor trained at the National Art School.

Robertson - Swann in 2002 was awarded the Order of Australia (OAM ) and won the National Sculpture Prize 2003., National Gallery of Australia.

Some works
