Rudolf Ross

Rudolf Adolf Wilhelm Ross ( born March 22, 1872 in Hamburg, † February 16, 1951 ) was a hamburger teachers, politicians, and the first social democratic mayor first in Hamburg from 1930 until 1931.


Rudolf Ross 1892 teacher at the elementary school in the Poolstr. 5 in Hamburg's Neustadt. From 1915 to 1918 he was a war participant in the First World War. In 1919 he was elected for the SPD in the Hamburg Parliament, which he continued a member until 1933. From 1920 to 1928 he was President of citizenship. From 1919 to 1928 Ross was also director of the Hamburg community college founded in 1919.

On April 5, 1928 Ross was appointed to the Senate, where he served until his resignation in protest on March 3, 1933. The SPD group had decided, with the Group of the German Democratic Party into an agreement to rotate so was Ross 1928, 1929, 1932 and 1933, deputy mayor and deputy so by Carl Wilhelm Petersen, while from 1 January 1930 to the December 31, 1931 conversely Petersen was deputy to Ross as First Mayor. As his term in office coincided with the Great Depression, Ross had very little design options, he had to cut spending, even though he knew about the devastating impact of these measures at this time.



  • Proposals for the reform of teacher education in Hamburg. At the same time a contribution to the university question. Hamburg 1913
  • Hamburg during the Weimar Republic. Speeches and essays, on the occasion of the baptism of the steamer " Mayor Ross ". Hamburg 1948