

The Ruhr river rises in the northern foothills of the hawk Forests Mountain Lands in Upper Listingen ( to Breuna ) and flows just north of the Natural Park hawk forest between the forest areas Wolfsloh in the north and in the south bed hedgehog in predominantly north-easterly direction through the Ruhrbachtal.

Below upper Listingen the stream runs north past low Listingen ( to Breuna ). In the first 3.5 km of its course where it crosses under the highway 7, he is no more than a flume and there flows relatively flat.

In the rest of the flow distance of approximately parallel to the main road running Ruhr 3080 Bach, there are several altitude levels, over the falls be water. About 1 km above Lower Meiser ( to Liebenau ) is a natural waterfall where the water falls over two about 10 meters away from each other drop-offs; the first stage is about 1.5 m and the second about 0.7 m high.

Then the Ruhr river flows through the village of Lower Meiser to directly then lead to a flow loop of the heat; its mouth facing the fox mill in operation on the heat.

Catchment and inflows

The catchment area of ​​five small streams fed Ruhr Bach is 12.564 km ².
