Rungna Bridge

39.033936125.764926Koordinaten: 39 ° 2 ' 2.2 " N, 125 ° 45' 53.7 " E


At Sang Teak-Straße/Kumnung-Tunnel

Taedong - gang

The Rungna Bridge ( also rungra Bridge ) is a road bridge in the North Korean capital Pyongyang. It connects the western district Puksae in the district of Chung- guyŏk on the An Sang Thaek Street with the eastern district munsu in the district Taedonggang - guyŏk with an overpass over the island Rungna and is one of six bridges, the Taedong River in Pyongyang on the output lead.


In Maps from 1930 and 1946 is at the site of the present bridge already drawn a bridge that leads from the west bank of the river to the island, but not further to the eastern shore. The construction of the 1070 -meter girder bridge was begun in 1986. Completed and opened to traffic, it was in September 1988.


A motif of the bridge is shown on the back of the 500 - won bills of 1998.
