Russula fragilis

Change color memory Täubling ( Russula fragilis )

The change colored storage Russula ( Russula fragilis ), which is called in reference to its Latin epithet also Fragile Täubling, is a fungus of the family of Täublingsverwandten.

  • 5.1 Infra Generic Systematics
  • 5.2 forms and varieties (Selection)
  • 7.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The cap is 2-6 cm wide and of very variable color. It can be colored purple - violet with darker, almost black center or various shades of olive green have over violet-pink by pale yellow. The color fades very quickly. The hat is convex young, later flattened. The hat skin can be removed from the edge to the center is about ¾ full. Mature fruiting bodies often have a clear fluted edge.

The weak club-shaped and fragile stem is quite long in relation to the Hutbreite. He is white in color and turns yellow when dried.

The slats are bulged grown on the stem, white in color and show under the microscope clearly sawn cutting.

The flesh is white, very sharp tastes and smells fruity, candy-like. The spore powder is white in color.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are 7.5-9 microns long and 6-8 microns wide. They are nearly spherical and have up to about 0.5 microns high warts, which are connected by fine lines in a nearly complete network. The Pileozystiden are cylindrical to club-shaped and have 0-2 microns thick cell walls. They react strongly with Sulfovanillin.


The change colored storage Täubling can be confused by Täublingen because of its highly variable hat color with a number.

  • Birch storage Täubling
  • Delicate Birch Russula
  • Süßriechender Täubling
  • Violetthütige types of sub-section Violaceinae


The change colored storage Täubling appears towards the end of summer and in autumn, usually in small groups in deciduous and coniferous forest. Besides birch, hornbeam, beech, oak, poplar and pine trees can serve more than Mykorrhizapartner. The fungus preferably acidic sand, silicate - brown soil and alluvial soils.


The Wechselblättrige memory Täubling is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere, besides, he has also been detected in Australia. In the holarktisschen zone it is widespread in North Asia ( Siberia, Korea, Japan), North America (Canada and USA), North Africa (Morocco, Algeria) and in Europe. In addition, you can also find it on the Canary Islands. In Europe, the Täubling in the south of Spain to Romania comes, in the west of France, on the Benelux and the UK up to the Hebrides. In the east, he penetrates to come to Belarus and to the north before in Iceland and Fennoscandia.

In Germany the nature of the coasts and islands is spread to the Upper Rhine and the Northern Alps. Only in dry limestone areas, the species is rare or absent.


Infra Generic Systematics

The change Colored Täubling is placed in the sub-section Atropurpurinae within the section Russula. In this sub- section are sharp - tasting types with different colors, but never summarized pure red hats. Within this group, the greatest similarity to the Black Red storage Russula (R. aquosa ), less black to purple Russula (R. atropurpurea ) - the type species of the subsection.

Forms and varieties (Selection)

The following forms and varieties have been described:

In addition, numerous other forms and varieties have been described. MycoBank lists a total of 23 valid taxa.


The change color Täubling is inedible due to its very sharp taste. He is at least eaten raw, slightly toxic. Like many other pungent russulas it causes digestive problems, diarrhea and vomiting. See Cherry Red storage Täubling.


  • Russula fragilis. In: MycoBank ( Fungal Nomenclature and Species Data Bank). International Mycological Association, accessed on 7 February.
  • Henri Romagnesi: Les Russules d'Europe et d' Afrique du Nord. essai sur la valeur et taxinomique spécifique of caractères morphologiques et microchimiques of spores et des revêtements. Bordas, Paris 1967, p 484 ( MycoBank ( Fungal Nomenclature and Species Data Bank) ).
  • Russula fragilis. In: Partial Russula species database of the CBS - KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre. Accessed on February 7, 2014 ( English, spore drawings and tabular listing of the macro-and microscopic features ( basierden H. Romagnesi 's " Les Russules d'Europe et d' Afrique du Nord " ) ).
  • Alfred Einhellinger: The genus Russula in Bavaria. In: Bibliotheca Mycologica. 3rd edition. Volume 112, Berlin / Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 978-3-443-59056-7, p 83