
Seasteading, a portmanteau of Engl. sea ​​(sea ) and homesteading ( colonization, appropriation ), is the concept of creating permanent housing sites and habitat on the sea, called Seasteads, outside the claimed by the governments of any nation areas. At least two people have independently coined the term, Ken Neumeyer in his book " Sailing the Farm" (1981) and Wayne Gramlich in his article " Seasteading - Homesteading on the high seas " (1998). In German dive occasionally the synonymous term Seenahme on, which was created on the basis of land acquisition.

For most of the proposed Seasteads is modified cruise ships. For other proposed structures are upgraded rigs, abandoned anti-aircraft platforms and tailor-made artificial islands. Nobody starting a state so far succeeded on the high seas, which was recognized as a sovereign nation. Most likely this goal a disputed micronation, Sealand comes close, on a discarded anti-aircraft platform off the Thames Estuary near Suffolk, England.

Terms of Use

Beyond the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles ( 370 km ), which may be entitled under UNCLOS which the countries, the high seas is not subject to laws other than those of the State whose flag a ship. Examples of organizations that make use of this possibility are Women on Waves, which allow women to have an abortion in their countries abortions stricter rules are as subject in the Netherlands, as well as Radio Veronica, a pirate radio station in the North Sea, in the sixties was addressed to the Netherlands. As these organizations could be a Seastead draw advantages from the loose laws and regulations which exist outside the sovereignty of nations, and are under extensive self-government.

The Seasteading Institute

The Seasteading Institute was founded on 15 April 2008 by Wayne Gramlich and Patri Friedman in Sunnyvale (California ) with the aim to facilitate the establishment of autonomous, mobile communities on floating platforms in international waters. Gramlichs article " Seasteading - Homesteading on the High Seas " from 1998 explains the concept of affordable settlement and moved with his proposal for a small project the attention of Friedman on itself. The two began working together in 2001 and released their first joint " book" on the Internet. This covers all imaginable aspects of Seasteadings, from waste disposal to the flagging.

The project was widely publicized in 2008 after PayPal founder Peter Thiel was been aware of the invested U.S. $ 500,000 in the project and has since called for its implementation, this last in his essay The Education of a Libertarian, published online by Cato Unbound. The Seasteading Institute is, therefore, have fallen to far -ranging and varied media attention from sources such as CNN and Wired Magazine.

Friedman so on the first Seasteading Annual Conference - "If Seasteading a viable alternative, one needs to go from one government to another just to add another sail and does not even have to leave the house. ".


The Seasteading Institute is working on a new approach, based on communities that float on saving buoys on the sea, similar to oil platforms. The project would initially start small, as far as possible, and then try with proven technology to find viable and sustainable ways to lead a Seastead. Innovations that enable you to live permanently at sea would have to be developed. The developments of the cruise ship industry suggests that this is possible.

A proposed design for a customized Seastead is a floating dumbbell, where the living area is located high above sea level, which minimizes the influence of the waves. In the last few years, research has been documented in an online book about life on the oceans.

The Seasteading Institute focuses on three areas: first, building a community, secondly, thirdly, research and support for the construction of the first Seasteads. The Seasteading Institute itself is not planning to build a own Seasteads because it sees itself as a non-profit organization that is unsuitable for a business construction and operation of Seasteads. This task will fall to entrepreneurs and companies.

In January 2009, the Seasteading Institute has patented a design for a Seastead called ClubStead. This would be the size of a residential area and would provide housing for 200 people. The draft was prepared by the consulting firm Marine Innovation & Technology. ClubStead is the first major development of the Seasteading movement in the construction of extensive analysis to the simulation.


Since 2011, the Seasteading Institute has an ambassador program, the idea is to be circulated worldwide with the by local ambassadors. Ambassadors are appointed after examination by the Seasteading Institute and must commit to participate regularly in the dissemination of the idea.


The Seasteading Institute held on 10 October 2008 from its first annual conference in Burlingame, California. 45 people from 9 countries participated.

The second annual Seasteading Conference took place in San Francisco, California, from 28 - 30th September 2009.

Another conference in which mainly the business opportunities of the Seasteading were discussed, was held from May 31 to July 2, 2012 in San Francisco.


Ephemerisle is an arts and culture festival on the water, which took place in October 2009 in the Sacramento River and about 150 people visited. Co-organizer was among other things a founder of the Burning Man Festival. The aim of the Ephemerisle Festival is to create a community temporarily living on the water individuals who meet year after year for increasingly longer periods of time and form a condensation nucleus for a Seasteading culture and community.

2010 and 2011 there was no official Epehemerisle Festival, as there could be no official organizer for legal reasons. Therefore, it was held under the name of non- Ephemerisle.

2012 Ephemerisle Festival is from 06 - 10th of June in the Sacramento River take place.

The Poseidon Award

The Poseidon Award is a prize for the establishment of the first independent Seasteads and the seeds for the world's first Ocean City. It is a milestone for the Seasteading movement.

Part of Poseidon Awards is the award of Poseidon monument, a statue, a tribute for the first Seasteading pioneers. This is the name of the Seasteading Argonauts have carved, large donors who have helped with their donations going Seasteading reality will allow.

The Poseidon Award is presented to the first Seastead that:

  • At least 50 permanent residents has.
  • Is financially independent.
  • Offers on the open market real estate.
  • De facto political independence enjoys.

The aim is to award the Poseidon Award 2015.

Sink or Swim Business Plan Contest

The Sink or Swim Contest, was a ausgelobter in 2011 competition for the best Seasteading -based business concept.


The hitherto most advanced project is the Blueseed venture. The founders originally wanted to operate in the course of 2012, a converted ship as Seastead off the coast of California, which is conceived as residential, office and commercial center for non -American entrepreneurs and professionals who are still on the Visa shares of American authorities and wait as long as need to stay outside of American waters. However, the project still awaits full funding. The starting date the Blueseed managers have adopted no earlier than the end of 2014 in the eye.
