Shrine of Our Lady of Altötting

The grace Altotting, also called Holy Chapel, is a chapel at the chapel in Altötting in Bavaria.


The reason for the worldwide recognition Altoetting as a Marian shrine located in a story from the 15th century. In 1489 there is the following miracles have happened: A three- year-old boy had fallen into the Mörnbach been endorsed by the flow, and was held for drowned. The desperate mother brought the lifeless child after his rescue in the chapel dedicated to the Mother of God and put it on the altar. There she began with other believers to pray for the salvation of her child. After a short time life returned to the seemingly dead child's body. Legend has it that the rescued boy was ordained a priest later.

Picture of grace

Around 1330 came the Burgundy or the Upper Rhine formed, carved from linden wood, high early gothic image of a standing Madonna with the child to Altötting. From the vernacular it is " the black Mary of Ötting " called. Today is also the name "Black Madonna" came into use, which is probably due to the spread of German versions of the song to the Black Madonna of Czestochowa.

On 11 September 2006 Pope Benedict XVI made ​​a pilgrimage. to Altötting and laid down his bishop's ring, which he had carried up to his election, before the miraculous image. The ring is attached to the scepter of the statue of Our Lady today.

Apart from Benedict XVI. was the chapel of the Popes Pius VI. and John Paul II visited.


It spread the custom of making a pilgrimage to the shrine and ask the Black Madonna Altöttings for help. Numerous votive tablets, which can be found on the outside walls and inside the chapel were mounted in gratitude for the miracle granted by Maria. In dealing now houses more than 2,000 ex-votos.

The pilgrims circumambulate, some kneeling, the chapel, often with specially prepared lying wooden crosses, and pray for help in their needs and concerns.

On 15 August 2008 the Sanctuary Altöttings the Golden Rose received by Pope Benedict XVI. , A high papal honor that gave Cardinal Joachim Meisner as Cardinal Legate of the Assumption.


The dating of the Lady Chapel is controversial 8 to 10 century. The well agilolfingischen in the core central- 1494 ship and a spire were added. An open approach to the chapel followed 1517. Cultivation of the vestry was made in 1686.

Interior decoration

The redesign of the interior took place in the first half of the 17th century, the altar of grace is of 1670th The driven entirely in silver jewelry of grace altar dates back to 1670. The soffit of the apse is decorated with a representation of the Tree of Jesse. The silver work was done by the goldsmiths Ableithner Balthasar, Franz Oxner and Johann F. Fesenmayr. A significant forge work is the right of the altar kneeling, 1737 by Elector Karl Albrecht donated " Silver Prince" the Dutch master William de Groff. It is the image of the prince-elector Maximilian III ten years. Joseph dar. in delicate Rococo armor came as a counterpart to the left of the altar, in the 1930s, created by the Munich sculptor Professor Georg Busch silver figure of the kneeling holy brother Konrad von Parzham added.

Today is the " Silver Prince" also called the " Golden Rose" attached to the shrine of Altötting be the first city in Germany by Pope Benedict XVI. was awarded on 15 August 2008.


Over time, a total of three inhumations ( 1633, 1634, 1666) took place in the chapel, next to it were made over a period of more than 300 years, a total of 28 heart burials.

The hearts come mainly from members of the House of Wittelsbach, so that today the heart of one emperor, 6 kings, 3 Bavarian Elector, 11 princely women, five bishops and two other royal persons are buried in the chapel. 13 heart urns are immured or buried under the pavement the soil and thus not visible. 14 silver urns with a total of 15 hearts are exhibited in niches that are most in wall niches on the west side of the octagon.

The factors set out in the niches urns are exclusively, gold-plated silver part and adorned with precious stones. In the case of Crown Prince Rupprecht was erected on the orders of his son Albrecht instead of a silver heart urn a silver gilt hilt with rock crystal. The hearts of the mothers of Elector Karl Theodor Maximilian I and King were taken at the request of the House of Wittelsbach in 1983 in the Chapel of Mercy. They are located behind the altar, and are made of tin, and copper, and without further embellishment. In the case of the Electress Elisabeth Renata their entrails are buried in the chapel except the heart.

Visible placed in niches:

Not visible in the chapel held:
