
Dongosaro, also called Sonsorol or Dongosaru, is an island in the western Pacific. It is 1.7 km south of its smaller sister island Fanna with which it forms the group of Sonsorol Islands.

The island is surrounded by a coral reef, which is 160-480 m away from the country. The eponymous main village Dongosaro is located on the west coast of the heavily forested with coconut island.

Together with the islands of Fanna, Pulo Anna and Merir forms Dongosaro the Palauan part Sonsorol state, ie an administrative area of ​​the island Republic of Palau.

Islands: Angaur | Arakabesan | Babeldaob | Dmasech | Dongosaro | Eil Malk | Fanna | Helen Iceland | Kayangel | Koror | Malakal | Merir | Ngercheu | Ngeriungs | Peleliu | Pulo Anna | Tobi

Archipelagos: Chelbacheb | Helen Reef | Kayangel | Mecherchar | Ngemelis | Ngeroi | Ngerukeuid | Palau Islands | Sonsorol | Ulebsechel | Ulong | Urukthapel | (Southwest Islands)

  • Island ( Palau )
  • Island (Australia and Oceania)
  • Island ( Pacific Ocean )