
With fun guerrilla (from " guerrilla " ) designated since the late 1960s, first Sponti left their actions: including fakes, invisible theater, and the pelting of celebrities with pies.


The fun guerrilla goes back to provocative and imaginative political happenings, especially the West Berlin Commune 1 and its protagonists Fritz Teufel, Dieter Kunzelmann or Rainer Langhans, the ( see also extra-parliamentary opposition and student movement ) attempted as part of the student revolts of the '68 movement, to experiment with new, alternative forms of cohabitation and common political action. A later representative was, among others, the Berlin office for unusual measures.

Born out of Sponti left, acted fun guerrilla pleasurable, life-affirming, anti-authoritarian in their militancy. So they stood out - quite deliberately - by the restrictive manners of the K- groups and anti-imperialists and, from Uruguay imported by the Tupamaros urban guerrilla concept of the RAF from and represented basically rather anarchist ideals.

From Sponti scene and fun guerilla that still active scene of the autonomous or autonomous groups emerged who get involved in the new social movements, such as the Antifa, the squatters' movement, the peace movement or the anti-nuclear activists.

A late episode of the fun guerrilla must have been in the Hessian coalition agreement of 1985, the recording of the Shanghai puffer Agreement.

In the 21st century, the term for the online culture and Internet activists has been applied, especially on Anonymous and LulzSec their elimination.


The Spanish and English spelling is " guerrilla " with two "r"; in Danish, German, French, Norwegian and Swedish to write " guerrilla " with an "r ".

Fritz Teufel published in April 1980 a book written in loud faithful spelling title tale from the Spaßgerilja with " lj " and without " u".
