
59.07527823.621389Koordinaten: 59 ° 5 ' N, 23 ° 37' O

Suur- Nõmmküla (Swedish Klottorp, German (wholesale ) Nömmküll ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Noarootsi ( Noarootsi vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The place has nine inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). It is located fifteen kilometers north-east of the district capital of Haapsalu.

The place name is officially bilingual Estonian and Swedish, as the village was part of the traditional settlement area of ​​Estonia Sweden until the Second World War.


The village was first mentioned in records in 1520 under the name Klotdorp. 1536 will be busy in Klopdorp with a Swedish population. 1620 was the court Nömkül. He was a member from 1813 to the noble family dove.
