Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici

Sveti Jurij whether Ščavnici Sveti Jurij also ( German: St. Georgen an der Stainz ) is a city and a municipality in the Pomurska in Slovenia. The place was called until 1997 officially Videm whether Ščavnici.

Location and population

In the overall community consisting of 27 villages 2975 people live. In the main town of Sveti Jurij whether Ščavnici 206 people. The municipality is located in northeastern Slovenia, on the river Ščavnica ( German: Vienna), about 15 kilometers northwest of Murska Sobota.


  • Anton Korošec * 1872 in Biserjane † in Belgrade, politicians
  • Edvard Kocbek * 1904 in Sveti Jurij † 1981 in Ljubljana, writer
  • Vekoslav Grmič * 1923 in Sveti Jurij † 2005 in Maribor, Catholic bishop