
58.79972222.850833Koordinaten: 58 ° 48 'N, 22 ° 51 ' E

Taguküla is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Käina ( Käina vald ).


Taguküla ( German Tagoküll ) has 28 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011).

The village is one of four villages in Hiiumaa offshore island Kassari.

Aino Kallas

In Taguküla the former summer residence of the Finnish- Estonian writer Aino Kallas is ( 1878-1956 ). You spent on Kassari 1924-1928 numerous summer with her ​​husband, the Estonian diplomats Oskar Kallas ( 1868-1946 ).

In her literary work Kallas has often substances Kassari and Hiiumaa taken. Examples of Tisenhusen Barbara (1923 ), Reigin pappi (1926) and Sudenmorsian (1928 ). Love it often leads to death. Also Kallas ' book of poems Kuoleman Joutsen (1942 ) contains Kassari associated with poetry.

The red summer house is now dedicated as a small museum life and work of Aino Kallas. A commemorative plaque on the outside wall of their stay.

Other Estonian artists came and often come to Kassari. In the 1970s created near the writer couple Jaan Kross ( 1920-2007 ) and Ellen Niit ( born 1928 ) is also a summer house.
