
TELMEX - Teléfonos de México S.A.B. de C.V. ( NYSE: TMX ) is a Mexican telecommunications company. Telmex has been active not only in Mexico but also in Central America and South America, especially in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay. Telmex has been the company Grupo Carso Carlos Slim Helú, the Mexican entrepreneur. The company is listed on the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores in Índice de Precios y Cotizaciones (IPC).


Telmex was founded in 1947 when a group of Mexican investors bought the Mexican subsidiary of Ericsson. The same group of investors bought in 1950, the Mexican subsidiary of International Telephone and Telegraph, which was the only telecommunications company in Mexico. In 1972, Telmex was to state enterprises. In this time, little has been invested in infrastructure.

President Carlos Salinas de Gortari decided to privatize the Mexican state-owned enterprises in 1990. Telmex was first sold to an investor group from Carlos Slim Helú, France Telecom, Southwestern Bell Corporation. The government reduced its share continuously since its privatization in 1991.

After privatization, Telmex has invested in modern infrastructure, particularly in modern fiber-optic technology.


After the mobile boom in the early 90s began Iusacell in Mexico. Telecel (Radio Móvil Dipsa ) was only mobile service provider. Telcel began in 1995 as the second mobile operator in Mexico.

America Movil Carso Global Telecom belonged to.


Telmex built from the mid-90s under the name of Telmex Internet Directory Personal Internet access and stepped on as an Internet service provider ( ISP). In 1996, Prodigy Communications was acquired and renamed Prodigy Internet de Telmex. Telmex in 2005 had about 80 percent market share, especially about Prodigy Infinitum.


  • TELMEX homepage (it)