Tem language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo Atlantic - Congo Volta - Congo north Gur Central Grusi Eastern Tem




Tem (also: Kotokoli, Cotocoli, Tim, Timu, Temba ) is a Gur language which is mainly spoken in Togo in the areas around Bafilo and Sokodé of about 250,000 people.

The total number of speakers, who also in Benin and Ghana ( together approximately 50 000 speakers, mainly in Accra ) live, is estimated at 300,000 people.

Alternative names for this language Chotockoli, Cotocoli, Tim, Timu, Temba. But native speakers also point out that, for example, temperature and Kotokoli is not necessarily the same. One gets then told that temperature rather the old official court - or high-level language of the Togolese Kingdom Kotokoli in Sokodé was while Kotokoli the everyday language of the people would be up to the present time, and under the dictator Gnassingbe Eyadema specifically Kotokoli favor Kabiye almost from the public should have been banished. Native speakers report that it sometimes books and newspapers were in Kotokoli until Eyadema this language and written language banned or temporarily. The language center is Sokodé and the surrounding area since the king resides there. Tem is in a modified Latin (Africa alphabet ) or written with Arabic script. An impression of the form of the written language provides the work Ethnologue.
