Tercer Frente

Tercer Frente (Spanish for Third Front ) is a municipality in the province of Santiago de Cuba to the west of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

The area around Cruce de los Baños carries a highland region and is, apart from some south-facing slopes, an area with many moist and very rich in vegetation sections, some of which are reminiscent of rainforest. There are many streams and some rivers that are after heavy rains into raging torrents and often also attract stable bridges affected.

During the Revolution, the command center of the guerrilla fighters to Fidel Castro was about 15 km south of Cruce de los Baños.

20.1525 - 76.254444444444Koordinaten: 20 ° 9 ' N, 76 ° 15 ' W

Contramaestre | Guamá | Mella | San Luis | Segundo Frente | Songo - La Maya | Santiago de Cuba | Palma Soriano | Tercer Frente

  • Municipality in the province of Santiago de Cuba