Tom Kristensen (poet)

Aage Kristensen (* August 4, 1893 in London, United Kingdom, † June 2, 1974 at Thurø, Svendborg, Denmark) was a Danish author and literary critic.


Tom Kristensen was born in London and grew up in inner Copenhagen. His childhood is portrayed in the autobiographical novel open -hearted concealment ( Aabenhjertige Fortielser, 1966). He lived from 1946 until his death on Thurø. He is best known for his novels novel of devastation ( Hærværk, 1930), which was filmed at the 1977, and arabesque of life ( Livets Arabesk, 1921) and for the collection of poems buccaneer dreams ( Fribytterdrømme, 1920). A novel devastation was received as a roman a clef - or, as he himself put it, " as a whole set of keys ." It was at a Visit to Harald Bergstedt, as he was advised to write a novel about his life drinkers in Copenhagen. Kristensen's novels, poems and short stories were subject to some of the literary movement of Expressionism. His work was largely influenced by Johannes V. Jensen, James Joyce, DH Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway and Sigmund Freud. Again, he was the model for the writer Klaus Rifbjerg, Thomas Boberg and Jacob Ejersbo.

Tom Kristensen was 1922 on a study trip in Asia, which it, inter alia, led by China and Japan. Parts of his poems that deal with the China trip, find themselves, set to music to blues music by Peter Thorup, on the album 's trip to China in 1978 (and later CD).

Tom Kristensen lived in long periods of his life as a writer, literary critic for the Danish newspaper Politiken and provided some of the most beautiful poems of his career in the form of occasional poems as obituaries. For example, it is Knut, who is dead (Det he Knud, he som død ) on the occasion of the death of Knud Rasmussen Polaforschers 1933. His famous novel novel of devastation set in the World journalists Copenhagen.

From 1960 to Tom Kristensen was foundation member of the newly established Danish Academy and was awarded the 1968 Grand Prix.

Tom Kristensen was especially known for his poems and novels. But he also issued a large number of short stories. Several of these are in the collection of short stories The Wind Rose ( Vindrosen ), which contains, inter alia, the well-known expressionist novel Misfortune ( Ulykken ). 1997 Collected Poems appeared ( Samlede defendant ) by Danish Gyldendal. The book contains the poems of his nine collections of poetry. Well-known poems are: Privateer ( Friybytter ) and Vestergade ( 1924).

Prizes and Awards (selection)
