Town of Cambridge

- 31.933333333333115.78333333333Koordinaten: 31 ° 56 ' S, 115 ° 47' O The Town of Cambridge is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Western Australia. Cambridge is part of metropolitan Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The area is 22 km ² and has about 24,000 inhabitants.

Cambridge is located north of the Swan River on Australia's west coast and is about 7 to 10 km from the city center of Perth. The seat of the Town Council is located in the district of Floreat in the east of the LGA where about 7,000 inhabitants.


The Cambridge Council has nine members, eight Councillor elected by the residents of the two wards (four each from the Coast and the Wembley Ward). The Mayor ( Mayor ) and Council President is also elected by all residents of the Towns.

