Tricolour Flame

The Fiamma Tricolore (actually Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore -, German: Social Movement - Tri-color ( tricolor ) or flame) is an Italian neo-fascist party, which was founded in 1995 by Pino Rauti.


Pino Rauti was the leader of the extreme right wing of the neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano party. In 1995, he was the " reversal of Fiuggi ," as Gianfranco Fini founded the moderate nationalist conservative National Alliance from the MSI out, unable to support. He described this as " denial of their own history " and founded the party Fiamma Tricolore, which is linked to the neo-fascist tradition of MSI. He held from January 1995 to February 2002 its chair.


Pino Rauti left in May 2004, the Fiamma Tricolore and became chairman, founded by him and some followers Movimento Sociale Idea that has split off from the Fiamma.

Chairman of the Fiamma Tricolore is since February 2002 Luca Romagnoli. He, too, had been deposed by his former companions Gianfranco Fini, as the chairman of the National Alliance distanced itself from Fascism. "You can not like Fini simply claim that fascism was the absolute evil was ," said Romagnoli. On a question on the existence of the gas chambers in Auschwitz, he had replied: "I do not have the means to confirm or negate. "

When existed from Januar to November 2007 Group Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty in the European Parliament, the Fiamma Tricolore was represented by its Chairman Luca Romagnoli, who was also a board member of the Group, represented.

The youth wing of the party is the Gioventù Nazionale ( National Youth ). The Blocco student Francesco ( students block ) is a student organization, which is close to the party.

In the parliamentary elections in Italy in 2008, the party joined together with the established in July 2007 party La Destra on a list.
