Pino Rauti

Giuseppe Umberto " Pino" Rauti ( born November 19, 1926 in Cardinale, Calabria, † November 2, 2012 in Rome ) was an Italian neo-fascist politician.

Political action

Pino Rauti 1946 was a member of the party Movimento Sociale Italiano, founded by fighters of the Repubblica Sociale Italiana and former members of the Fascist regime in Italy since its inception in December. From January 1990 to June 1991 he was also its chairman. Between 1972 and 1992 he was a member of the Camera dei deputati as a deputy.

In 1956 he founded under the influence of fascist ideologues Julius Evola, the extreme right-wing terrorist organization Ordine Nuovo.

In 1995, he wanted to be the leader of the radical right wing of the MSI the " reversal of Fiuggi ," as Gianfranco Fini from the MSI out the more moderate National Alliance founded, not support. He described this as " denial of their own history " and was from January 1995 to February 2002 chairman of the new party Fiamma Tricolore, which is linked to the neo-fascist tradition of MSI.

From the Fiamma Tricolore he turned away after a few years and founded on May 7, 2004, the party Movimento Sociale Idea, which he chaired until his death.


His daughter Isabella married in 1992 with the post-fascist Gianni Alemanno leaders, with whom she has a son.
