Triple deity

A Triassic (also Triad ) designated in religion a divine trinity.

Divine triads ( triads, three different, belonging together deities ) are known from most polytheistic mythologies.

In the heavily influenced by the Greeks late republican and imperial Roman mythology, for example, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva formed a triad. The ancient Roman triad that was displaced, on the other hand consisted of Jupiter, Mars and Janus.

Part of the movement of the New Age refers to the Egyptian gods triad consisting of Osiris ( god of death ), Isis ( goddess of fertility and nature) and their son Horus ( god of light ).


Christian Trinity

Main article: Trinity

The Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches understand their doctrine of the Trinity ( Trinity ) not as a trinity ( trinity ), not as a Trinity of three different, belonging together deities - even though many non-Christians, the Trinity doctrine interpret that. According to Christian theology, the dogma of the Trinity means the unity of the three persons of the divine essence: God "Father," God "son" (Jesus Christ ) and God the "Holy Spirit."

The doctrine of the Trinity is represented today by almost all religious faiths, and is also a prerequisite for membership in the World Council of Churches.

Hindu Trimurti

Main article: Trimurti

The Trimurti ( Sanskrit: trimūrti; German: ' three forms '), is a concept of Hinduism, which is the union of the three cosmic functions of creation, preservation and destruction / transformation through the visualization of the great gods Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the Sustainer, representing Shiva shows as the destroyer. It is the conceptual unity of the tripartite cosmic principle.

The Trimurti symbolizes that all divine operations of a unit go out because the three aspects are mutually dependent and complement. This Trimurti, the three- figure represents the formless Brahman and expresses the creating, preserving and destroying aspects of the supreme being.

  • Deity