
59.03694427.081667Koordinaten: 59 ° 2 ' N, 27 ° 5' O

The village Tudulinna (Estonian Tudulinna alevik ) is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia. It is the capital of the homonymous country church ( Tudulinna vald ).

Description and History

Tudulinna ( German Tuddolin ) has 232 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011). The place was first mentioned in 1583 as Tutinlinna documented. The location of the fields are not very fertile, so that the former inhabitants as extravagant rather on the craft on agriculture.

On the maps of the Baltic German geographers Ludwig August von Mellin (1754-1835) 1810 is an " extinct volcano " is entered in Tudulinna. The strange errors have been corrected in later editions Mellins.

In 1947 the water power plant on Rannapungerja River ( Rannapungerja Jõgi ), lies on the Tudulinna. It was established in 1959 off. 1999, the operation was attempted to generate electricity.

Church of dispute Tudulinna

A special Tudulinnas represent the two Lutheran churches in the town dar. 1923 raged a fierce controversy in church Tudulinna. It was broken by the eloquent pastor Voldemar Kuljus from the fence, whose modern sermons on many areas of life are not necessarily held to the Scriptures.

In 1929 the parish was divided into a conservative branch and the followers of Pastor Kuljus. Dispute arose over the use of the church, which was worn until the Estonian State Court. Finally, the place got two Lutheran churches.

The older church from the 18th century, is today only a ruin. It was built in 1766 and 1863 expanded.

The new church of the Peace Community of Tudulinna emerged in the years 1938/39, according to the plans of the German - Estonian architect Eugen Sacharias ( 1906-2002 ). The tower stands - a peculiarity in Estonia - on the east façade of the church. Worth seeing are the ceramic tiles from the 18th century. They come from Holland. The organ was built in 1912 in Tartu.
