Turbo, Colombia

Turbo is a city in northern Colombia. It lies on the Gulf of Uraba along the Caribbean Sea and is mostly known as a port and border town to Panama, even though the border is 50 km north-west and there is none for car or other motor vehicles (except off-road motorcycles ) navigable connection to this country. The city has 47 839 inhabitants (2003 ) and, in the extreme north-west of the department of Antioquia, about 300 km northwest of the capital of the department of Medellin.

Turbo is the center of the banana production north of Colombia, which is also shipped and exported. Since this form of agriculture boomed a long time, the population of the city grew, particularly in the 1980s, very quickly. This occurred on the edge of town so-called slums. The population consists mainly of Afro - Colombians.

Infamous, the city is a metropolis of smuggling, as it is the closest port city to Panama. The smuggled goods are brought in small vessels in the rather daunting coastal areas of Panama or smuggled in from there via Turbo in Colombia. This is associated with a relatively high crime rate in the city.

In Turbo is the most important migration office northwestern Colombia. It is practically unavoidable to visit the city if you want to enter on the cumbersome overland to Panama, because you can complete the necessary formalities pass only here. See also Darién.

Abejorral | Abriaquí | Alejandria | Amaga | Amalfi | Andes | Angelópolis | Angostura | Anorí | Anza | Apartado | Arboletes | Argelia | Armenia | Barbosa | Belmira | Bello | Betania | Bethulia | Briceño | Buritica | Cáceres | Caicedo | Caldas | Campamento | canasgordas | Caracolí | Caramanta | Carepa | Carmen de Viboral | Carolina | caucasia | Chigorodó | Cisneros | Ciudad Bolívar | Cocorná | Concepcion | Concordia | Copacabana | Currulao | Dabeiba | Don Matías | Ebéjico | El Bagre | Entrerríos | Envigado | Fredonia | Frontino | Giraldo | Girardota | Gómez Plata | Granada | Guadalupe | Guarne | Guatapé | Heliconia | Hispania | Itagüí | Ituango | Jardín | Jericó | La Ceja | La Estrella | La Pintada | La Unión | liborina | Maceo | Marinilla | Medellín | Montebello | Murindó | mutata | Nariño | Necocli | Nechi | Olaya | Peñol | Peque | pueblorrico | Puerto Berrío | Puerto Nare | Puerto Triunfo | Remedios | Retiro | Rionegro | Sabanalarga | Sabaneta | Salgar | San Andres | San Carlos | San Francisco | San Jerónimo | San José de la Montaña | San Juan de Urabá | San Luis | San Pedro de los Milagros | San Pedro de Urabá | San Rafael | San Roque | San Vicente | Santa Barbara | Santa Fe de Antioquia | Santa Rosa de Osos | Santo Domingo | Sanctuary | Segovia | SonSon | Sopetrán | Támesis | Taraza | Tarso | Titiribi | Toledo | Turbo | Uramita | Urrao | Valdivia | Valparaiso | Vegachi | Venecia | Vigia del Fuerte | Yali | Yarumal | Yolombó | Yondó | Zaragoza

  • Location in Colombia
  • Location seaport
  • Departamento de Antioquia