
Urrao is a Colombian municipality in the province of Antioquia.

  • 3.1 Traffic
  • 4.1 Sons and daughters of the town


Geographical Location

Urrao is surrounded by the Andes in the western Cordillera.

Expansion of the urban area

16,000 of the approximately 40,000 inhabitants live in an urban and 24,000 in a rural area.


The city was founded in 1781.

Economy and infrastructure

Characteristic of the region is agriculture, are grown and Others Grana Dillen, fruit, sugar cane, beans, corn, potatoes, and it is operated animal breeding.

Other industries deal with ore mining and logging.


  • International airport Urrao ( URR )


Sons and daughters of the town

  • Arles Castro, cyclist
  • Rigoberto Urán, cyclist

Abejorral | Abriaquí | Alejandria | Amaga | Amalfi | Andes | Angelópolis | Angostura | Anorí | Anza | Apartado | Arboletes | Argelia | Armenia | Barbosa | Belmira | Bello | Betania | Bethulia | Briceño | Buritica | Cáceres | Caicedo | Caldas | Campamento | canasgordas | Caracolí | Caramanta | Carepa | Carmen de Viboral | Carolina | caucasia | Chigorodó | Cisneros | Ciudad Bolívar | Cocorná | Concepcion | Concordia | Copacabana | Currulao | Dabeiba | Don Matías | Ebéjico | El Bagre | Entrerríos | Envigado | Fredonia | Frontino | Giraldo | Girardota | Gómez Plata | Granada | Guadalupe | Guarne | Guatapé | Heliconia | Hispania | Itagüí | Ituango | Jardín | Jericó | La Ceja | La Estrella | La Pintada | La Unión | liborina | Maceo | Marinilla | Medellín | Montebello | Murindó | mutata | Nariño | Necocli | Nechi | Olaya | Peñol | Peque | pueblorrico | Puerto Berrío | Puerto Nare | Puerto Triunfo | Remedios | Retiro | Rionegro | Sabanalarga | Sabaneta | Salgar | San Andres | San Carlos | San Francisco | San Jerónimo | San José de la Montaña | San Juan de Urabá | San Luis | San Pedro de los Milagros | San Pedro de Urabá | San Rafael | San Roque | San Vicente | Santa Barbara | Santa Fe de Antioquia | Santa Rosa de Osos | Santo Domingo | Sanctuary | Segovia | SonSon | Sopetrán | Támesis | Taraza | Tarso | Titiribi | Toledo | Turbo | Uramita | Urrao | Valdivia | Valparaiso | Vegachi | Venecia | Vigia del Fuerte | Yali | Yarumal | Yolombó | Yondó | Zaragoza
