Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic

The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (abbreviation TuSSR ) was dated 17 February 1925 to 1991 a Union Republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Prior to its establishment, the location in the landscape Turkestan territory of today's Turkmenistan was one of the Turkestan ASSR and the People's Republics Choresmien and Bukhara.

The Ukrainian Ivan Ivanovich Mezhlauk 1928 first General Secretary of the Turkmen SSR.

Saparmurat Niyazov in 1985, as the successor of Muhammad Nazar Gapurow Chairman of the Communist Party ( CP) of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. In January 1990, the Supreme Soviet elected him as its Chairman, two months later as President of the Soviet Republic.

In October 1990, the Turkmen SSR was the first Soviet republic of the Soviet Union, led by a popular election of the President. Saparmurat Niyazov - the only candidate - was chosen.

In 1991 it was independently as Turkmenistan.


Population development:

General Secretaries of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR

  • Ivan Mezhlauk (1925-1926)
  • Schajmardan Ibragimov (1926-1927)
  • Nikolai Paskutzki (1927-1928)
  • Grigori Aronschtam (1928-1930)
  • Yakov Popok (1930-1937)
  • Anna Muchammedowna (1937 )
  • Yakov Tschubin (1937-1939)
  • Mikhail Fonin (1937-1947)
  • Malicious damage Batyrow (1947-1951)
  • Suchan Babajew (1951-1958)
  • Juma Durdy Karajew (1958-1960)
  • Balisch Owesow (1960-1969)
  • Muchamednasar Gapurow (1969-1985)
  • Saparmurat Niyazov (1985-1991)