Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church

The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church ( Ukr Українська автокефальна православна церква ) is an autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church the rite. Seat of their patriarch is Kiev. Canon law, its legitimacy is disputed. It is not to be confused with the Ukrainian Autonomous Orthodox Church established in 1942, which is under the Patriarch of Moscow, and by contrast, emphasizes its proximity to the Patriarch of Constantinople Opel. It is also not to be confused with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ( Kyiv Patriarchate).

First autocephaly

Second founding

After the German occupation of Poland in World War II an autocephalous Ukrainian Church was founded in the General Government for the second time. The starting point was this time the Polish Orthodox Church, which was the Autokephaliestatus awarded by the Patriarch of Constantinople Opel 1924. Your Metropolitan Dionisy Valedinsky inaugurated in 1940 the linguist and rector of the First Ukrainian University Kamjanez - Podilskyj, Ivan Ohijenko ( Illarion ), Bishop of Chelm and Podlasie and 1944 as Metropolitan. There was thus a canonically proper Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the General Government ( AOKGG ), which was also active in the Reich Commissariat Ukraine later, because the anti-church in Germany National Socialists held religion in the occupied territories for a useful control agent. She made a new Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church was formed. However, the choice of Illarion as Metropolitan of Kiev on 25 November 1941 did not recognize the Germans. Before the advance of the Red Army, the hierarchy of the Church without exception fled to the West, in the Ukrainian SSR remained prohibited.

However, they reorganized themselves in exile, first in Germany, then in the U.S. and Canada. In 1946 there were in Germany 80 municipalities. In the 1950s many Ukrainier emigrated to USA, Canada, Australia, South America and other Western European countries. In these countries, Ukrainian Orthodox Church communities were founded. So three Ukrainian Metropolitanates ( Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA, Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the diaspora ) have emerged, which still exist today, together form a Ukrainian Orthodox Church Abroad and are subject to the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Situation today

The current Metropolitan of the UAOC in Ukraine is called Method, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine. The church is led by a patriarchal council, consisting of the metropolitans and bishops each 2, prelates and laymen. The UAOC in Ukraine is not recognized by any Autocephalous Church.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora Authokephale consists of three dioceses (Australia & New Zealand, the UK and Western Europe).

1990 in Ukraine a Ukrainian Orthodox Church was founded under the same name. Often the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine is confused with the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the diaspora, which belongs to the Ecumenical Patriarch.

The three Ukrainian Metropolitanates [ in the U.S. (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA), in Canada and in the Diaspora ] are recognized by all Orthodox Autocephalous Churches and seen as only as canonical Ukrainian Church.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada are members of a congregation founded in 2010 " canonical " Orthodox bishops, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, which in addition to others, the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA ( Moscow Patriarchate ) and the Orthodox Church in America belong.
