
Valknut is a Nordic symbol consisting of three interlocked triangles.

  • The word valknute has an uncertain origin
  • It is composed of Valr ( means something like " slain warriors in combat" ) and knut ( knot)
  • For the Valknut there is also the name of Wotan node


Valknut as Triqueta

Valknut as a closed chain

Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget

German Football Association

Historical use

In pre-Christian times the Valknut seems to have been functionally associated with battle and death. Gotland picture stones show the Valknut in conjunction with offering scenes (eg Larbro Stora Hammar I), battle and death scenes (eg Larbro Tängelgarda I) and similar motifs that may be associated with " death in battle " and the " god of death " ( Odin ). Also on the rune box of Auzon ( named after his Schenker to the British Museum mostly " Franks Casket " ) found this symbol in the same context: Over the Back of the third mage (front right) shows it to the death and resurrection in connection with the administration myrrh out. On the right side, these nodes can find similar on Larbro Tängelgarda I under the belly and between the front legs of a horse ( Woden / Odin's Sleipnir? ). On the lid two of these nodes seem to define the fortified district as Valhalla. Valknut and Fylgja or Valkyrja or Valkyrie are inextricably linked with this symbol. A purely ornamental character seems not to have had the Valknut.
