
The Velino shortly before the runoff over the waterfall Marmore

The Velino is a river in central Italy, in the regions of Lazio ( province of Rieti) and Umbria ( Terni province ). He is a left tributary of the Nera, in which he opens at Terni.


It rises on Mount Pozzoni in the municipality of Cittareale and is 90 km long. North of Antrodoco it flows through the gorge Gole del Velino, to then traverse the Velinotal to Rieti. In Rieti he meets his left-hand tributaries Salto (south of Rieti) and Turano (north of Rieti), as well as in the city center on the Roman bridge Ponte Romano. After the Colli sul Velino community he moves from the province of Rieti in the province of Terni and receives shortly after the outflows of Lake Piediluco that occur here on the right side. Shortly before its confluence with the Nera river plunges 165 meters deep over the waterfall Marmore into Valnerina and flows from the left into the Nera.


The Velino at the Cascata delle marbles
