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Vistaprint N.V. is a Dutch corporation with headquarters in Venlo. The company is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol VPRT.

The company offers online services for business cards, stationery and promotional materials for small businesses and consumers. With these services generated in the financial year 2012/2013 approximately 4100 employees generated sales of U.S. $ 1.1675 billion. VistaPrint operates 25 localized websites to sell products in more than 130 countries.


Vistaprint employs more than 4,100 employees in offices and print shops worldwide. The North American office is located in Lexington (Massachusetts ) and the European counterpart in Barcelona, Spain. The company has three printing plants, which make up a total area of ​​over 74,000 square meters and in Windsor ( Ontario), Venlo and Melbourne are. VistaPrint claims to print daily average of 44,000 jobs.

According to the annual GAM 101 list ( 6th edition ) is VistaPrint in the North American printing industry, the company 's fourth- largest growth and is on the list of largest companies ( revenue based ) instead of 40 The market value of the company makes this the sixth largest public company within the printing sector. In the period from 30 June 2001 to 30 June 2008, the annual revenue of the company of 6.1 million U.S. dollars to 400.7 million U.S. dollars have increased. According to a survey by the website counted only in June 2008 7.556.490 visitors. Vistaprint was able to increase its sales by 50 percent in the year 2008/2009, this 2009 amounted to 515 million U.S. dollars.

In Germany, the company has become known by many 'free' actions. Here, in flyers and coupons, for example, " 250 free business cards " offered. However, above-average shipping costs fall ( Standard: 10.89 euros), also often additionally various fees, such as if no VistaPrint logo should appear on the back.

Concept and production

Customer can select and edit graphic designs over the Internet. The company combines similar orders with small quantities or requirements to packages. These processes and production methods will be applied to all product lines of the company.


The structure of the company was changed in May 2008, Vistaprint, now has two specific regional divisions in North America and Europe. There are two women, Wendy Cebula, president of the North American business unit and Janet Holian is president of Vistaprint Europe in Barcelona, Spain at the top.


On the internet are numerous reports of questionable business practices, such as excessive shipping costs, inadequate customer service, etc. to find. It is criticized that at seemingly attractive package offers the shipping costs will be displayed only in the last step of the order process, after the customer has in a long process selected all the designs and input data. The shipping costs can thereby be a multiple of the price of goods.

Company History

After completion of the business school INSEAD Robert Keane gründetet in 1995, the company Vistaprint in the French city of Paris. His idea behind the creation of VistaPrint was to bring the needs of small business for small print runs of business cards, stationery and promotional materials and those of the printers after long runs agree with each other.

In January 2000, the company headquarters to Waltham was moved to the U.S. state of Massachusetts. There, the company employed 28 employees, and internationally there were 63 in April, 2001, Vistaprint has over 300,000 registered users ( 165,000 in the United States and 140,000 in Europe), which generated sales of $ 26.5 million.

In 2011, Vistaprint took over the Dutch photo book album Manufacturer Printer for 60 million euros. Vistaprint operation in 2011 24 regionalized websites and employed 3,100 employees serving eleven million customers worldwide. Album Printer with a market share of ten percent of the second-largest supplier after CEWE. The adoption of the self-created pages, including on Facebook, specialized companies Webs was completed in early 2012 with a volume of USD 117.5 million.


The shares of Vistaprint N.V. held for 92.42 percent of 155 institutional investors. The remaining 7.58 percent are in free float. The three largest shareholders are Prescott General Partner with 13.54 percent, followed by Janus Capital Management with 11.77 percent and 11.71 percent Brave Warriors Advisors.
