Volvopluteus gloiocephalus

Big Scheid Ling ( Volvopluteus gloiocephalus )

The Great Scheid Ling ( Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, Syn Volvariella gloiocephala, V. speciosa ), also called field Scheid Scheid Ling Ling or handsome, is a species of fungus in the family roof mushroom relatives.


The Great Scheid Ling is medium-sized, articulated in hat and stem fruiting bodies. The hat reaches a width of 50 to 120 millimeters. At first he is ovoid - campanulate and later expanded, often he is hunched flat. Its surface is sticky and slippery, he is pure white, only sometimes brownish in the middle. The ringless stem is white and cylindrical, measuring 80 to 200 × 5 to 20 millimeters. At bruises he turns slightly brown or gray. The base of the stem is often somewhat thickened. The membranous volva is white, sometimes gray in old age and often is deep in the ground, with young mushrooms envelops them the entire fruiting body. The slats are young white and dyed by the pink spore powder in older specimens pink. The spores are broadly ellipsoid and measuring 11 to 18 × 8 to 10 microns.


The Great Scheid Ling is a saprobiontischer bottom dwellers. Its original habitat in Central Europe are likely to Au and swamp forests, Schatt slope and nitrogen-rich beech forests. As nitrophilous, ruderal species he could colonize an abundance of anthropogenic incurred biotopes, such as potato, beet, corn and grain fields, vegetable and flower fields, meadows, pasturelands, gardens and parks, and is also on roadsides, wood and manure storage areas and similar locations to find, even in greenhouses it occurs. He settled rotting manure, dung, rotting straw and reeds, bark mulch, sawdust and similar substrates. It is heat bonded to something. In Central Europe the fruiting bodies appear by the end of May beginning of November.


The Great Scheid Ling is a common in the tropics and the Holarctic species of fungus that occurs in the Holarctic in the Mediterranean to temperate areas, it was found in Japan, Hawaii, the U.S., the Canary Islands and in North Africa. In Europe, its range of south-west Europe extends to Russia, to the north he comes in Sweden and Finland, sometimes up in the boreal and subarctic zone before. In Germany the species is widespread throughout the area, but shows an irregular occurrence with compression and thinning zones.


The Great Scheid Ling is edible.

