Walgett Shire

- 29.833333333333148.2Koordinaten: 29 ° 50 ' S, 148 ° 12' Walgett Shire is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of New South Wales. The area is 22,336 km ² and has about 7,000 inhabitants.

Walgett is located in the North - Western region of the state at the Queensland border about 650 km northwest of the city of Sydney and 690 km south-west of Brisbane. The area includes 62 districts and towns, including Bairnkine, Caramia, Carinda, Come By Chance, Cumborah, Cryon, Lightning Ridge, Walgett and Pokataroo and parts of Burren Junction, Collarenebri, Pilliga and Rowena. The seat of the Shire Council is located in the town of Walgett in the center of the LGA, where about 1,700 inhabitants.


The Walgett Shire Council has 12 members, who are elected by the residents of the LGA. Walgett is not divided into districts. From the circle of Councillor also the Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council recruited.

After conflicts between the representatives of the City Lightning Ridge and the rest of the Shires and other incidents of the Council was no longer able to work and was therefore dissolved in 2004 by the State Government. Up to early elections in September 2008 Walgett is managed by a set administrator and four managers.
