Weybridge (Vermont)

Addison County


Weybridge is a town in Addison County, the State of Vermont in the United States with 833 inhabitants ( according to the census of 2010). It lies on the western edge of the Green Mountains in the plane around Lake Champlain and is characterized purely agricultural. The main settlement is called Weybridge Hill. The main river of the area is the Otter Creek, the highest elevation of the Snake Mountain with 392 m height.

The Town was proclaimed on November 3, 1761 but settled systematically until after the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783. The first church was ordained in 1794. The area was, in addition to the usual crops, mainly used as pasture land. So a stock of 1,595 cattle and 10,021 sheep (with 797 inhabitants ) is busy for 1840.

The Town is traversed by the Vermont State Route 23; higher-quality roads, railways or airports are not present in the environment. The responsible hospital is found in Panton; However, a primary school, which runs from kindergarten to 6th grade is present, in the resort. Also, a congregation of the United Church of Christ is located here. All other needs can be satisfied in the near Middlebury.

Nearby Cities

All information bee-line distances.

  • North: Vergennes, 14.0 km
  • Northeast: New Haven, 10.0 km
  • Southeast: Middlebury, 5.5 km
  • South: Cornwall, 9.5 km
  • Southwest: Bridport, 12.5 km
  • West: Addison, 14.0 km
  • Northwest: Panton, 15.5 km

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Sidney Lawrence (1801 - 1892), politician and MP in the U.S. House of Representatives