Wilfred II of Besalú

Wilfried II (Catalan Guifré; † 957 ) was a Count of Besalu from the House of Barcelona. He was the second of four sons of Miró the Younger, Count of Cerdanya, Conflent and Besalu, and his wife Ava. His brothers were Sunifred II, Oliba cabretas and Miró Bonfill.

From his father Wilfried inherited the county of Besalu, while Cerdanya and Conflent went to his older brother Sunifred II. In the year 951 Wilfried had traveled together with the abbot of the newly founded abbey of Sant Pere Camprodon to Rome to confirm the re-establishment of Pope Agapetus II. On their way back they were pulled IV to the court of King Louis in Reims, which endowed the Abbey on February 3, 952 with some privileges. Wilfried is therefore at all the last Catalan Graf, whose presence in the Frankish royal court is attested in documents.

In the year 957 Wilfried was murdered by own vassals; Besalu was taken over by his brother Sunifred II.
