William Henry O'Connell

William Henry Cardinal O'Connell ( born December 8, 1859 in Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, † April 22, 1944 ) was Archbishop of Boston.


William Henry O'Connell received after his training on June 8, 1884, the sacrament of Holy Orders. In 1895 he became rector of the Pontifical North American College in Rome.

He was appointed on 14 May 1901 Bishop of Portland. The bishop He was ordained on May 19, 1901 in Rome by the Prefect of the Congregation of Studies, Francesco Cardinal Satolli. Co-consecrators were Curia Archbishop Edmund Stonor and later Secretary of State Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val

In 1906, Pope Pius X appointed him titular bishop of Constantina and Koadjutorerzbischof of the Archdiocese of Boston. With the death of his predecessor, John Joseph Williams on 30 August 1907, he took over as head of the Archdiocese of Boston as archbishop. On November 27, 1911 in St. Pius X took as cardinal priest with the titular church of San Clemente in the College of Cardinals to.
