Zaragoza (comarca)

The Comarca de Zaragoza is one of the 33 Comarcas (administrative unit ) of the Spanish autonomous region of Aragon. Your seat is Saragossa, by far the largest municipality of the comarca. Since only Zaragoza brings about half the population of Aragon to be the Comarca Zaragoza is with 662 941 inhabitants in an area of 2290 km ² by far the most populous in the Autonomous Region. About 54 percent of the population of Aragon live in it.

The comarca is located in the center of the Autonomous Region in the province of Zaragoza, and includes 20 Municipalities (cities and municipalities): Alfajarín, Botorrita, Cadrete, Cuarte de Huerva, El Burgo de Ebro, Fuentes de Ebro, Jaulín, La Puebla de Alfindén, María de huerva, Mediana de Aragón, Mozota, Nuez de Ebro, Osera de Ebro, Pastriz, San Mateo de Gallego, Zaragoza, Utebo, Villafranca de Ebro, Villanueva de Gallego, Zuera.

The adjoining Zaragoza Comarcas are in the north of Hoya de Huesca and Cinco Villas, in the west of Ribera Alta del Ebro and Valdejalón, Ribera Baja del Ebro in the east and Monegros and on the south by the Campo de Carintilde and Campo de Belchite.
