Zenna Henderson

Zenna Chlarson Henderson ( born November 1, 1917 in Tucson, Arizona, † May 11, 1983 ibid ) was an American elementary school teacher, the science fiction novels and short stories wrote.


Zenna Henderson studied at Arizona State College of Education and graduated in 1940 with a Bachelor of Arts. Then she practiced from the teaching profession in Tucson. During the Second World War she taught Japanese- children in an internment camp in Sacaton, Arizona. She married in 1943, but the marriage ended in divorce seven years later. From 1956 to 1958 she taught at an American military airfield near Paris. It occurred to her credit, she spoke French quite well.

Henderson was one of the first female SF writers and never used a male pseudonym. It is true that her work as a writer not be called feminist, but she was one of the few writers of the 1950s and 1960s, the science fiction writing from a female perspective. She started at the age of 12 years with the reading of SF magazines as Astounding Stories of Super Science, Amazing Stories and Weird Tales.

Her parents were Mormons, and thus she was raised in that faith, but came later to the Methodists.

Zenna Henderson died in 1983 in Tucson, Arizona from cancer. She was buried at St. David Cemetery (in St. David ( Arizona)).


Most of her stories deal with the issue of otherness, often children or young people are the main characters. Law known was their The People series, which deals with the fate of aliens who look like people, but have psi powers. As their home world is destroyed, they must flee to other planets. Some of them arrive ( before 1900 ) to the earth and live there, especially in the American Southwest. Your psychic powers include telepathy, telekinesis, precognition and psychic healing. The individual episodes of the series deal with conflicts that arise as a result of contacts with people. They originally appeared in 1952 in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and were in 1961 to a Roman Pilgrimage: The Book of the People summarized. Another band with People Stories The People: No Different Flesh was released in 1966.

Away from the The People Series Henderson published the short story collections The Anything Box and Holding Wonder. In many of the stories contained in these books are about topics such as Mental illness or Psi, and much of it is for the players to elementary school teachers.

Television adaptations

In 1971, Henderson's short story " Pottage " by the American television network ABC was filmed under the title The People, which played along, among others, William Shatner, Kim Darby and Diane Varsi. The film is about a group like people looking extraterrestrials who - disguised as a religious community - living in an isolated rural community. This television production was the debut for John Korty as a director. Producer was Francis Ford Coppola.


Zenna Henderson was nominated for a 1959 Hugo Award for her short story Captivity. Although her ​​books are out of print for a long time (this did not change until 1995, when the anthology Ingathering: The Complete People Stories of Zenna Henderson appeared ), it is still most popular with many SF fans.


People Series

Short story collections
