Dobra (Hunedoara)

Dobra (Hungarian Hunyaddobra ) is a municipality in the district of Hunedoara in Transylvania, Romania.

The place is also known as the Hungarian names Dobra and JOFO.

Geographical location

Dobra is a municipality in south-western Transylvania, north of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, - a mountain range of the Romanian Western Carpathians - the same creek, a left tributary of the Mureş ( Maros ). In Mures, in the west of the district of Hunedoara, the place on the European road 673 and the railway line Ilia - Lugoj is located about 30 kilometers west of the district capital Deva ( Deva ) away.

The Romanian Motorway A1 will ( when completed ) also run on the grounds of the resort.


Dobra was first mentioned in 1387 and was in the Middle Ages a Romanian district in the historic Hunyader county (county iron market). However, a settlement of the region dates back far longer. In a report by D. Berciu was a settlement on the grounds of the resort, which indicated in the early history recorded. According to reports from G. Téglás, I. Martian and M. Roska bronze parts were found from the Late Bronze Age. Along the Mureş, on the grounds of the church today, even the course of a Roman road is recorded.


The population of the municipality is as follows:

Since the official census of 1850 Romanians were predominantly registered on the territory of the present municipality. The highest population ( 6,261 ) - at the same time the Romanians ( 5637 ) and the Magyars (450) - 1910 was determined. The highest number of Roma population (146 ) in 1930 and the 1890 Romanian German registered., Serbs ( highest population 29; 1880) and Ukrainians ( highest population 4; 1992); Furthermore, even Slovaks (1900 highest population 61) were in the town of Dobra in almost every survey registered. In the census of 31 June 2011, 3,242 people were counted in 1,501 households in the community.

The main occupation of the population is the forestry and the timber industry and work in a gravel mining on the Mureş.


  • The former mayor's office in Dobra, built in the 19th century, is a historical monument.
  • The wooden churches Cuvioasa Paraschiva, built in eingemeindeten village Radulesti, 1733; , built in eingemeindeten Abucea village in the 18th century; in eingemeindeten Stânceşti village, built in the 19th century, are national monuments.
  • The church Cuvioasa Paraschiva, built in eingemeindeten Lăpuşnic village, in the 17th century and the Church Buna Vestire, in eingemeindeten Roscani village in the 18th century, are national monuments.


Ruins of the former mayor's office in Dobra

Mayoralty Dobra

Look at Dobra

Orthodox Church in Dobra

Roman Catholic Church in Dobra

Church in Panc - Sălişte

Wooden church in Radulesti

Wooden church in Stânceşti
