Kamov Ka-8

The Kamov Ka -8 (Russian Камов Ка -8 ) was a Soviet helicopter design. It was developed in 1946/47, by Nikolai Kamov. The first flight took place by M. D. Gurov on 12 November 1947.

Also known as " Irkutjanin " designated helicopter served as a demonstrator of a new control and rotor concept. In this helicopter two main rotors were mounted above each other that the rotors rotated opposite to the torque compensation. The existing wooden rotor blades could not touch due to the distance of the two main rotors. All three axes of the helicopter are controlled only by the main rotors.

The machine was set up as easy as possible. It consisted of a tube frame, to which two floats were attached as suspension. In the framework of the pilot's seat, the engine and the rotor gear were.

First, the machine could barely off the ground because the engine used a motorcycle engine, did not provide the required power is available. He was raised on alcohol use in its performance by rebuilding but was unsuccessful as a power source for a helicopter still only partially suitable.

The control method, however, proved to be a resounding success. With a total of three built patterns in particular development programs were flown. But they were also used for demonstrations. On July 25, 1948, this type was shown to the public during the aviation parade in Tushino, in which the test pilot Gurov landed on the back of a truck.

The machine attracted particular attention of the Soviet Navy. Their small size and extremely good maneuverability made ​​this design for use on ships, particularly suitable, even so because on most ships no major modifications were necessary to carry such a small aircraft. The Kamov OKB was founded due to the Ka -8 on 7 October 1948, which later evolved to the standard helicopter supplier of the Soviet Navy.

