Sydney Emanuel Mudd I

Sydney Emanuel Mudd ( born February 12, 1858 Charles County, Maryland, † October 21, 1911 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ) was an American politician. Between 1890 and 1911 he represented two times the state of Maryland in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Sydney Mudd attended Georgetown University in the federal capital, Washington DC and then studied until 1878 at St. John's College in Annapolis. After a subsequent law studies at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and his 1880 was admitted to the bar he began to work in this profession. At the same time he proposed as a member of the Republican Party launched a political career. In 1879 and 1881 he sat in the House of Maryland. In 1888 he was defeated in the congressional elections the incumbent Barnes Compton. Mudd but put against the outcome of the election opposition one. When this was granted, he could take up his mandate on 20 March 1890, quit the partly used term in Congress until March 3, 1891. In 1890, he lost again against Compton.

In 1895, Sydney was Mudd Member and President of the House of Representatives from Maryland. Since 1896 he lived in La Plata. In June this year he was a delegate attended the Republican National Convention in St. Louis, was nominated on the William McKinley as a presidential candidate. In the congressional elections of 1896 Mudd was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives again in the fifth electoral district of Maryland, where he became the successor of Charles Edward Coffin on March 4, 1897. After six re- election he was able to graduate in 1911 seven legislative sessions until March 3. In this time of the Spanish-American War of 1898. Since 1907 fell Mudd was chairman of the committee responsible for supervising the expenditure of the Department of Justice.

Sydney Mudd died in the year of his retirement from Congress on October 21, 1911 in Philadelphia. His son Sydney was also a congressman for Maryland.
