
59.27375515.20754Koordinaten: 59 ° 16 ' 26 " N, 15 ° 12' 27" E

The Unisound Studio is a Swedish recording studio in the central Swedish town of Örebro approximately 200 km west of Stockholm. It specializes in mixing and mastering and operated by Dan Swanö. The main clientele consists of metal bands.


Swanö showed as a teenager keen interest for music production. So he took several demos and four studio albums with 4 -, or 8 -track recording devices in his so-called spam studio before he opened his first "real" studio. At the age of 20 years Swanö finally founded in 1993 Unisound studio, at that time still under the name Gorysound Studio. While first only recording and mixing were done in the studio, the studio accepts only the mixing and mastering nowadays.

Featured Clients and Works

The following table gives a selection of important publications back to their production Unisound the studio was involved.
