5 (number)

The five (5) is the natural number of between four and six. It is odd and a prime number.


Whole numbers that have a zero as the last digit or five in the decimal system can be divisible by five. All the odd multiples of five ends of the turn, with five ( all even with zero).

  • The 5 is the sixth number of the Fibonacci sequence.
  • 5 is also the smallest prime number that is the sum of all other primes that is smaller than themselves, to form.
  • The Five is a Fermat prime number and the smallest Wilson prime.
  • 5 is a Bell's number ( sequence A000110 in OEIS )
  • There are exactly five Platonic solids.
  • There are exactly five tetrominoes.

Natural sciences

The Pentadaktylie that Fünfstrahligkeit or Fünffingrigkeit, refers to the basic breakdown of the individual limbs of vertebrates in five distal, ie terminal, appendages. This must not yet be pronounced and can be involuted in some higher vertebrates, for example, when the snakes or the horses in primitive vertebrates.

The echinoderms have a five-pointed Radiärsymmetrie on, commonly known in the starfish.

Some plants such as bluebells plants and rose plants exhibit fivefold flowers, sometimes fünfstrahlig structured fruits, such as apples and pears.

Cultural meanings

One of the fundamentals of Islam are the five pillars. Muslims perform five daily prayer.

In Christianity, the five wounds of Christ are the object of worship and veneration.

According to Taoist tradition, there are the five elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal. In the Western tradition, there are only four elements; However, Aristotle took the airwaves to as the fifth element, hence the term quintessence.

The Five is in many Eastern and Western cultures the number of love than indivisible sum of the number three male and female number two. It was considered as the number of love goddess Venus.

In Chinese symbolism the number five has a special meaning. As the four is considered bad number in Chinese tradition, there are, the four directions north, south, east and west, a fifth, straight up.

Compositions with " quinque " and " pente "

The Latin word for five quinque or the corresponding ordinal quintus ( engl: the Fifth ) can be found in foreign words as fifth ( interval), quintet (music ensemble) or Quinta ( class).

Objects of five parts are called quinary, in today's language rather than the Big Five.

The Greek word for five πέντε / pente found in foreign words as Pentagon ( Pentagon ), pentagram ( five pointed star ) or Pentateuch ( Five Books of Moses ) and the names of some chemical compounds such as pentabromodiphenylether ( five bromine atoms) or iron pentacarbonyl ( five CO groups).

School grade

In Germany, the Five is the second worst school grade, in Austria the worst. In Russia, Hungary, Turkey, the Five is the best school grade.

Proverbs / Sayings

  • Something superfluous is called in German the fifth wheel.
  • If you do not take something so closely, you can " grade fünfe be," which means that you take an odd number of times for a straight.
  • The Roman numeral for five is V ( the consonantal U), the ten is called with X ( graphically a double V). From this comes the saying " One X is a U fool ," that is, to pretend as if 5 = 10


  • Aristotle identified five human senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.
  • The Discordianism explains 5 satirically to the sacred number, and according to the novel trilogy Illuminatus! the number 23 with the sum of digits 5 to the cosmic code.
  • The word "five" is next to " mustard " and " hemp " one of the three German words that end in " nf" (if one of the few place names such as " Geneva " and of compound words such as " Fire mustard " and derivatives such as " one hundred and fifty " apart ).
  • The fifth column comes from the inside, while the other four points of the compass are assigned.
  • Group 05 is a designation for the literature meetings, Lübeck Schalke 05 a Aufreger from the early days of the German color television.
  • With the voice, on the phone and in number of stations there to help distinguish the pronunciation fünnef, comparable to two for two.
  • House 5 ( LVR Clinic Düren )