Abdallah ibn Yasin

Abdallah ibn Yasin (Arabic: عبد الله بن ياسين, DMG ʿ Abd Allāh b Yasin, . † 1059 ) was a theologian and founder of the Almoravid movement.

Ibn Yasin came from the Sanhadschastamm the Gazula. He was a jurist of the Maliki school and was invited in 1046 by the Dschudalafürst Yahya ibn Ibrahim, to proclaim his doctrine among the Berbers of the western Sahara. The Sanhaja until then had been Islamized only superficially and yet still clung to many pagan practices. So Ibn Yasin preached the Sanhaja the Western Sahara a Puritan orthodox Sunni Islam.

However, he had to withdraw with his followers to the south, where he founded a monastery / Ribat at Senegal after a revolt of the tribes. In alliance with Yahya ibn Umar, the leader of Lamtunastammes he struck down the revolt of Dschudala.

Ibn Yasin now made ​​from the trunks of Lamtuna, Masufa and Dschudala the Kampfbund the Almoravids. He took over the spiritual leadership and Yahya ibn Umar the military command of the movement. 1054, dominated by the Magrawa Sijilmasa was conquered. Ibn Yasin launched its Puritan order, among other things, wine and music were banned, non-Islamic taxes were abolished and 1/5 of the booty conceded to the religious scholars. Against this strict interpretation of Islam there have been incidents in 1055 to a rebellion in Sijilmasa.

Yahya ibn Umar fell in 1056 a renewed uprising of Dschudala in the Sahara. Then appointed Ibn Yasin Yahya's brother Abu Bakr ibn Umar (1056-1087) as the new military leaders. This destroyed Sijilmasa, but could not force the Dschudala back into the waistband of the Almoravids.

When trying to subdue the heretical Bargawata on the Atlantic coast Ibn Yasin was 1059th His tomb is located in Casablanca.
