Æthelwealh of Sussex

Æthelwalh (also Aethelwalh, Aedilualch, Aethelwalch, Aþelwold, Æðelwold, Æþelwald; † about 682 ) was towards the end of the 7th century king of the Anglo-Saxon Empire Small Sussex.


No information was provided, so nothing is known about Æthelwalhs direct predecessor in the sources for the 6th and early 7th century The History of Sussex. There are also over Æthelwalhs origin no information.

Wulfhere of Mercia took around 660 a successful campaign against the Jutes populated by Isle of Wight and belonging to Wessex Meonwara ( valley of the River Meon, Hampshire Southeastern ). Both provinciae ( provinces ), which previously formed a " buffer zone" between Sussex and Wessex, he imputed Æthelwalh, probably recognized him as chief king. Around the year 661 to Æthelwalh made ​​at the instigation of King Wulfhere, who was also his godfather, converted to Christianity in Mercia. Immediately began the missionary work of the Isle of Wight. Æthelwalh was with EABA (also EAFE, Ebba ), the Christian daughter of the king of Eanfrith Hwicce married, which was mentioned around 681 as regina ( queen).

The conversion of the population to Christianity apparently happened quite late despite the proximity to Canterbury, than most other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were Christian for the past two generations. In Bosham ( Sussex ) although there was a small monastery where the monk Dícuill lived with five or six brothers, but the population initially held in the " old faith " fixed. To 681 of the exiled bishop Wilfrid came to Sussex and missionary there with great success. Æthelwalh asked him extensive lands to the founding of the monastery Selsey Abbey available. The Bishop, based in Selsey was built at that time. To 682 raided Caedwalla, an exiled member of the royal house of Wessex, with his army Sussex. Æthelwalh fell during the fighting and Sussex was looted. Seemingly sat Caedwalla Ecgwald, whose origin is unknown, as subregulus ( Under King ) in a Sussex. The fight against the conquerors of Wessex translated then continues Æthelwalhs ealdormen Berthun and Andhun.

