André Sana

André Sana ( born December 20, 1920 in Araden, Iraq, † May 8, 2013 ) was the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Kirkuk.


André Sana received on May 15, 1945, the ordination. Pope Pius XII. appointed him on 20 June 1957 to the Bishop of Aqra. The Patriarch of Babylon, Joseph VII Ghanima, donated to him on October 6, 1957, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were Souleyman Sayegh, Auxiliary Bishop of Mosul, and Gabriel Ganni, Auxiliary Bishop of Beirut. André Sana was a Council Father of all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. 1966/67, he was also bishop of Amadiyah.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 14 December 1977 as Bishop of Kirkuk. On 27 September 2003, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation age-related.
