Antonio Tozzi

Antonio Tozzi (* around 1736 in Bologna, † after 1812 ) was an Italian opera composer.

He received his education at the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna. His first operas were performed in Venice from 1762 onwards, including was with the semi- seria " La morte di Dimone " the first setting of a libretto by Giovanni Bertati that can occur sixteen people with large amount of machinery, choir and ballet, including four deities. In 1774 he was appointed Kapellmeister in Munich and brought there his tragedian 's "Orfeo ed Euridice" to performance. The scandal that a relationship with the Countess Seefeld triggered, forcing him to leave the city, which Leopold Mozart commented in a letter to his wife as follows: "You have to tell everyone the story of Tozzi and Countess Seefeld, so that people realize that Italians everywhere are villains. "

After he composed another opera in Venice and produced, " Rinaldo ", whose libretto was to be the source of text of Haydn's " Armida ," he laid in February 1776 his main area of ​​influence to Spain, where he at Madrid and Barcelona in addition to their own works (such example " I due gemelli Castore e Polluce " brought to the performance to celebrate the birth of twins later King Charles IV ) of operas Soler, Paisiello, Cimarosa, Guglielmi and Anfossi.

Under Tozzis about twenty operas are some dramma giocoso, but with Dramma, Dramma Serio, Tragedia and opera seria weighs clearly against the heroic and mythological element. His work is characterized by great dramatic and melodic skills and a compact style of orchestration that often each individual string parts assigns a specific task, for example, rhythmic marker, motivic support, doubling the vocal line or establish a counter- melody. In contemporary " Diario de Barcelona" he was called frequently the leading composer of Barcelona.

  • Italian composer
  • Composer ( classical)
  • Composer ( opera )
  • Person (Bologna)
  • Historical person (Italy )
  • Born in the 18th century
  • Died in the 19th century
  • Man
  • Person (Barcelona)