Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia

The Patriarchate of Cilicia (Latin: Patriarchatus Ciliciae Armenorum ) of the Armenian Catholic Church was 1740/1742 due to the election and Roman confirmation of Archbishop Abraham Ardzivian of Aleppo on the Armenian Patriarch ( Catholicos ) of Sis in Cilicia.

Seat of the Armenian Catholic Patriarch of Cilicia was Bzommar in Lebanon. Their jurisdiction was limited to the territory of the historic Catholicosate of Cilicia, concluded namely the Armenians in Europe, especially the important church in Constantinople Opel (Istanbul), from. 1867 the Patriarchate with the Armenian Catholic Archbishopric of Constantinople for Opel was pooled " Patriarchate of Cilicia of the Armenians ", initially based in Constantinople Opel ( 1867-1928 ), since 1928 in Beirut. For the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia today include the Archdioceses of Beirut ( Patriarchaldiözese ), Aleppo, Baghdad and Istanbul and the dioceses of Alexandria, Ispahan and Kamichlié. Along with several other dioceses outside of patriarchy, it is the present day Armenian Catholic Church.

Not to be confused with the Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia, the Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
