Austin Powers in Goldmember

Tom Cruise, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Britney Spears, Ozzy Osbourne and family, Quincy Jones, Burt Bacharach

Austin Powers in Goldmember (English original Austin Powers in Goldmember ) is the third movie about the life of the agents Austin Powers in 2002, a parody of James Bond.


Austin is beaten by the Queen knighted. He is overjoyed because he expected his father and role model Nigel Powers at the ceremony. As Austin wants to present the original Spy Who Shagged Me the guests of honor, but Nigel is not there.

Austin is devastated. But then reports Basil Exposition that Nigel was kidnapped by the villain Goldmember. Austin's task is to free his father from the clutches of Nigel mad Dutchman Goldmember. At his side stands his old flame, Foxxy Cleopatra the undercover agent. With Goldmember Help wants Austin's nemesis, Dr. Evil, with a tractor beam ( called Luke 2, in the original " Preparation H ", a remedy for hemorrhoids that is inserted rectally ) bring on a collision course with Earth a golden comet, but what of Austin Powers, his father and the overflowed Mini Me (clone of Dr. Evil ) can be prevented. Mini Me no longer behaves like Dr. Evil, but are in presentation and behavior as the heartthrob Austin Powers. At the end it turns out that Dr. Evil in Austin truth is brother, but was separated after an accident of both. Then he was brought up by a Belgian to be evil.


The film takes place in 1975 and in 2002.

First, Sir Sean Connery has been proposed for the role of the father as this, however, expected to be canceled, got the role of Sir Michael Caine. Caine was in the 1960s through his portrayal of a bored agent " Harry Palmer ", etc. in Ipcress - Top secret known around the world - not least because of the strong short-sighted actor played the role with a thick prescription glasses on his nose. For secret agent in the Bond - era a novelty - and according to eye-catching. Mike Myers paid his Austin Powers with just that prescription glasses, so he is actually such a thing as the son of " Harry Palmer ".


  • 2003: MTV Movie Awards: