Baud (Morbihan)

Baud ( Breton: Baod ) is a commune with 6059 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Morbihan in the Brittany region. Baud is the capital of the canton of the same name. It belongs to the Local Government Association, Pays de Baud.


Baud is located in the center of Brittany and is part of the Pays de Pontivy. The municipality is bordered by the river Evel in the west by the river Blavet, to the south and east.

Neighboring communities are Saint -Barthélemy in the north, Guénin and La Chapelle -Neuve in the east, and Camors Pluvigner in the south and Languidic and Quistinic in the West.

The community is a transport hub. Through the municipality runs from west to east, the RN 24, connects the Lorient Rennes. In a north-south direction, the D 768 leads through the village, the connection from Auray to Pontivy.



The municipality belongs to the historic region of Brittany Bro - Gwened (French Vannetais ) and within this region to region Bro Baod (French Pays de Baud) and shares his story. In 1867, the present-day municipality of Saint - Barthelémy of Baud split off.


  • Venus of Quinipily in the park at Quinipily
  • Chapel de la Clarté (15th- 17th cent.), Today officially parish church of Saint -Pierre
  • Chapel Saint -Adrien (15th cent.)
  • Fontaine de la Clarté (16th cent.)
  • Various Calvary and roadside crosses
  • Museum Cartopole with picture postcards of the region, in the areas of fisheries, agriculture, industry and rural life