
The French community Beaussac, Occitan Baussat, with 184 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011) located in the northwest of the department of Dordogne in the Aquitaine region. She is one of 14 municipalities of the canton of Mareuil. Your municipality also forms an integral part of the Périgord -Limousin Regional Natural Park.


The community Beaussac located eight kilometers north-west of Mareuil and 13 km west-southwest of Nontron away (air line). It is surrounded by the following neighboring communities:

  • Mainzac (Charente) and Hautefaye in the North
  • Connezac in the East
  • Rudeau - Ladosse in the southeast
  • Puyrenier in the south
  • Les Graulges in the southwest
  • Combiers (Charente ) to the west and
  • Charas (Charente) to the northwest.

Beaussac is border village of Charente.

In addition to the community center consists of the following hamlets, farms, mills, castles and a brick: Aucors, Bretanges, Château d' Aucors, Château de Bretanges, Château de Poutignac, Coulouniex, Donzac, Grosse Pierre, La Côte, La Papetterie ( expire ), La Petite Guard (disused ), Lagarde, Le Moulin à Vent, Le Moulin de Puyloubard, Le Repaire, Maconty, Marat, Plambeau, Poutignac, Pronchère, Pouffon, Puyloubard and Tuilière de Lagarde.

Main floodlights of the village is flowing westward Nizonne, which forms the southwest border to Puyrenier. It receives the Pont du Rateau as right tributary of the Ruisseau de Beaussac - Southeast border Rudeau - Ladosse. At Le Moulin de Puyloubard the Nizonne leaves the municipal area; it assumes that the triple point as another right tributary of the Ruisseau de Bretanges on - West border to Les Graulges. This stream flows in southwest direction; approximately one km before its confluence with the Nizonne it comes from the north-west a small right tributary counter ( Grenzbach to Les Graulges ).

The topographically lowest point in the municipality of Beaussac at 105 meters above sea level is located at the Nizonne in the southwest corner. The highest point at 224 meters in the north-west. The maximum height difference of 119 meters. The community Beaussac contains extensive forests, around 75 % of the municipal area cover ( Bois de Beaussac and eastern part of the Forêt de la Mothe- Domaniale Clédou ).


The community Beaussac is exclusively on flat-lying sediments of the northern Aquitaine basin. Structurally, these include the North wing of the Combiers -Saint -Crépin -de- Richemont syncline. Oldest open-minded formation are the crypto- crystalline limestones of Oberbathons. They stand at the border to charas, Combiers and Hautefaye in the far north. It follows Oxfordian - an alternation of fine-grained, white, chalky limestone and beige Oolithkalken. About the Oxfordian went away the transgression of Cenomaniums. The Cenomanian consists of green, oyster leading marls, from fine sands and sandy from Alveolinenkalken. It is seen in Pouffon, Lagarde and Donzac. Next higher layer element are the platy, partly flaserigen Kreidekalke of Ligériens ( Unterturon ). It lines the two side branches of the Ruisseau de Bretanges and the right side of the valley of the Ruisseau de Beaussac the center of Beaussac. It follows the Angoumien with the terrain not to be confused layer rib of Angoulême '' formation '' ( Rudistenkalke ) at its base. The Angoumien is pending on the right side of the valley Nizonne. The Lower Angoumien occurs around the center of exception in its kalkarenitischen facies. Last digested layer member of the Upper Cretaceous formations are then the hard Fossilkalke of Coniaciums, digested at Aucors, Pronchère and Puyloubard.

The Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments are covered in the area of the Bois de Beaussac and the Forêt de la Mothe- Domaniale Clédou alttertiärem of colluvium, which was rearranged during the Pleistocene ( formations AC and ACF). Small remnants of alluvial gravels of the Pliocene are preserved in the north and northwest of the town center. The sediment filling in the floodplains of the Nizonne dates from the Holocene.

Southwest of the village along the Ruisseau de Beaussac cross three ostsüdoststreichende disorders that have led to a tilting of the layered structure ( as was, for example, usually adjusted in the middle of the three blocks of 3 ° to Southwest incident sedimentary series of up to 30 °, was at the same time strike skewed to the southeast). The fault zone of Beaussac is very likely with the conditions a little further Southwest emerging Mareuil- anticline in genetic linkage.

Pitches in the Upper Cenomanian were once mined as a raw material for brick kilns at La Tuilière de Lagarde and Maconty.


The oldest preserved building in the town is the Romanesque Beaussac local church Saint -Etienne from the Twelfth Century. In the fifteenth century the two castles Château d' Aucors and Château de Poutignac were built. The Château de Bretanges castle dates from the seventeenth century.

The community is still referred to the Cassini map from 1756 to 1789 as Beaussat. 1793 is mentioned as Baussac to be performed again in 1801 as Beaussat.


Source: INSEE

The population numbers in Beaussac are generally declining with slight fluctuations, the decline is somewhat clearer than in the rest of the canton Mareuil.


Mayor of Beaussac since 2008, the scoring for Divers gauche farmer Éric Charron.


  • The Romanesque local church Saint -Etienne from the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century. The church is historique since 1948 Monument. In it is the honor of the local banking noble family, since 1963 also historique monument.
  • The Château d' Aucors castle from the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
  • The Château de Poutignac castle from the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth Century.
  • The Château de Bretanges castle from the seventeenth century.
  • The Russian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer in the hamlet Puyloubard.

Transport links

The center of Beaussac is located on the D 93 of Javerlhac -et -la -Chapelle -Saint- Robert to Mareuil. In the center, the D 82 arrives from the further East located Rudeau; it binds to the D 708 of Nontron after Mareuil at Rudeau. Before crossing the Nizonne the Pont du Rateau branches from the D 93 D 87 from the right, it follows the right side of the valley to Les Nizonne Graulges and on to Combiers and La Rochebeaucourt. About the D 104 can be achieved in the northwest from the center of charas. At the mouth of Ruisseau de Bretanges in the Nizonne Also branching a local road from the D 87 in northeast off after Hautefaye.
